【車中泊キャンプ】N-VAN G-stoveとビーフシチューで暖まるソロキャンプ 鉄山キャンプ場(1日目)Solo camping at Tetsuzan campsite




This time it’s Autumn Tetsuzan!
︎We’re already camping with a g-stove. I brought the Tetsuzan campsite, which is located at an altitude of 1000m, thinking that it would definitely get cold in the mornings and evenings.
I came to Tetsuzan because I wanted to use a G-stove. Purchase firewood at the campsite and fire up the stove for dinner. The crackling sound of firewood and the sound of drafts sucking air resonate in my heart. Beef stew tonight!! ︎I would like to sit down in front of the wood stove and enjoy the autumn breeze with the g-stove.

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