「Wednesday camp 」水曜日キャンプ Fujii Kaze Nissan Stadium Live “Feelin’ Good”2024 & Park Camp Vlog






藤井風就像太陽一樣,發光且溫暖人心。 他的歌曲和歌詞深深打動人心,很多人在他的YouTube留言區訴說自己的苦難,並將他的音樂視作精神寄託。 他仿佛是神派來人間的天使,用音樂治癒眾人的心靈。 陽光、帥氣、調皮、充滿愛心,鋼琴彈得出色,舞臺表現力極佳。 他的YouTube頻道就像一部長達14年的紀錄片,記錄了這位天使在人間的成長歷程。
終於,我抽中了8月24日的演唱會票。 這一天對我而言非常重要,因為是我最愛的人生日。 感謝神讓我在這一天圓了看藤井風演唱會的夢想,就當作我和最愛的人一起欣賞了這場演出。
我從大阪驅車趕往橫濱,因為演唱會單場吸引了7萬名觀眾,又連續兩天演出,導致橫濱的飯店幾乎被訂滿。 我想,演唱會結束後等待離場會很久,開車前往的觀眾可能也很多,所以决定在附近的公園搭帳篷過夜。 中午急忙去領取周邊商品,買了黑膠唱片,然後在公園找到一個合適的位置搭好帳篷,再返回現場等待入場。 演唱會真的太精彩了,全程通過YouTube免費直播,能够讓全世界喜歡藤井風的人一起享受這場演出,真的是風友的節日。
演唱會順利結束後,我去了新橫濱車站附近提前預約的單人間桑拿洗澡,然後回到帳篷過夜。 原本打算第二天早上煮咖啡喝,但公園的蚊子太兇狠了,仿佛一整個夏天都沒吃過飯,終於見到食物來襲……結果我被咬了一身包,沒辦法,只好趕緊收拾帳篷回大阪了。
“Fujii Kaze is like the sun, radiating light and warming hearts. His songs and lyrics deeply move people, and many share their struggles in the comments on his YouTube channel, finding solace in his music. It feels as though he’s an angel sent by God to heal people’s hearts with his music. He’s bright, handsome, playful, loving, an exceptional pianist, and a captivating performer on stage. His YouTube channel is like a 14-year-long documentary that captures the journey of this angel on Earth.

Finally, I won a ticket for the concert on August 24th. This day is especially important to me because it’s the birthday of my most beloved person. I’m grateful to God for fulfilling my dream of attending a Fujii Kaze concert on this special day, and I see it as a chance to enjoy the performance with my loved one.

I drove from Osaka to Yokohama because the concert attracted 70,000 attendees in a single show and was held on two consecutive days, making hotels in Yokohama almost fully booked. I thought it would take a long time to leave the venue after the concert, and many others might also drive, so I decided to set up a tent in a nearby park for the night. At noon, I hurried to pick up the merchandise, bought a vinyl record, then found a suitable spot in the park to pitch my tent before returning to the venue to wait for entry.

The concert was truly spectacular. It was live-streamed for free on YouTube, allowing Fujii Kaze fans worldwide to enjoy the performance together—it really felt like a festival for his fans.

After the concert ended, I went to a single-person sauna near Shin-Yokohama Station, which I had booked in advance, to take a bath and then returned to my tent for the night. I initially planned to brew some coffee the next morning, but the park’s mosquitoes were relentless, as if they hadn’t eaten all summer and were thrilled to see fresh food. I ended up covered in bites, so I quickly packed up my tent and headed back to Osaka.

This was a truly unique concert experience—probably not many people would go camping after a concert. I felt like a wanderer, haha.”

